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General Surgery

What is General Surgery?

General surgery is a branch of surgery performed to treat various diseases and conditions in the body. General surgery focuses on the various organs and systems of the human body and provides the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to these organs.

The basic principles of general surgery include the management of emergencies, trauma care, removal of tumors, organ transplantation, the use of minimally invasive surgical techniques, and more. These principles reflect the purpose of general surgery to treat patients and provide them with the best healthcare.

General surgery is a broad branch of surgery that includes many different procedures. These procedures include laparoscopic surgeries, endoscopic surgeries, biopsy , and more. Laparoscopic surgeries are a minimally invasive surgical method performed with special surgical instruments inserted through small holes. Endoscopic surgeries are another minimally invasive surgical method performed using a special endoscope placed on the organs in the body.

The diagnosis of general surgery is made by methods such as physical examination and imaging tests. The physical examination helps the surgeon evaluate and diagnose the patient’s signs and symptoms. Imaging tests, on the other hand, are methods used to view the internal structure of the body and provide more detail to the surgeon.


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How is General Surgery Treatment?

General surgery is a medical discipline applied in the treatment of various diseases and health problems. General surgeons use a variety of treatment modalities to improve the health of patients, often through surgical interventions.

General surgical treatment is usually performed in two main categories: surgeries and biopsy. Surgeries include surgical interventions performed on various body parts by general surgeons. These surgeries are usually performed by laparoscopic or endoscopic methods.
Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical method performed using miniature cameras and special surgical instruments. In this method, general surgeons make small incisions and insert the camera and instruments into the body through these incisions and perform the surgery. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery include that it is less invasive , less pain, and a faster recovery time.
Endoscopic surgery, on the other hand, is a surgical method performed using an endoscope inserted into the body. General surgeons insert the endoscope through the body’s natural openings or small incisions and perform the necessary treatment. Endoscopic surgery also has advantages such as being less invasive and offering a faster recovery process like laparoscopic surgery.

A biopsy is a procedure that helps general surgeons diagnose patients by taking samples from their bodies. General surgeons help diagnose diseases and plan the treatment process using biopsy methods.


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General surgeons perform a variety of surgeries to treat a variety of medical conditions. These surgeries may vary depending on the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient. Common surgeries performed by general surgery include appendectomy , gallbladder surgery, small bowel surgery, large bowel surgery, and stomach surgery.

How the surgeries are performed differs depending on the type of disease and the purpose of the surgery. General surgeons often use minimally invasive techniques, representing a less invasive approach. This can speed up the patient’s recovery process and reduce the risk of post-operative complications.

Some surgeries are performed laparoscopically . Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical procedure in which small incisions are made and using a camera and special instruments. This method allows the patient to recover faster, feel less pain and leave less scars. It also reduces the risk of post-operative infection.
In some cases, endoscopic surgeries are preferred. Endoscopic surgery is a procedure done through an endoscope (a flexible tube). This method provides access to internal organs without making an incision outside the body and offers a less invasive option. Endoscopic surgeries can also lead to faster recovery, less pain and shorter hospital stay.

General surgery operations are usually necessary to improve the patient’s health status and improve their quality of life. Surgeons provide treatment in the most appropriate and effective way by creating treatment plans according to the individual needs of the patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

The process of diagnosing general surgery generally begins with a physical examination of the patient and imaging tests. The general surgeon performs a careful physical examination to determine the patient’s health status. During this examination, the patient’s symptoms and discomforts are evaluated. Information about the patient’s medical history and family history is also collected. Physical examination is an important step for the general surgeon to diagnose diseases and possible problems.

However, physical examination alone may not be sufficient. The general surgeon may use imaging tests to make a more precise diagnosis. These imaging tests include methods such as X-rays, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). These tests are used to view the patient’s internal organs and tissues in detail. Imaging tests provide the general surgeon with important information that guides the diagnosis.

The general surgery diagnostic process is based on the patient’s symptoms, physical examination findings and the results of imaging tests. The general surgeon tries to make an accurate diagnosis by bringing all this information together. The diagnosis may differ depending on the patient’s condition and symptoms. Each patient’s diagnosis is special and requires an individual approach.

General surgery is a branch of surgery that performs the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in various body parts. This field focuses on all problems that require surgical intervention.

General surgery operations are usually performed in a sterile operating theatre environment. The surgeon may use open or closed surgery techniques depending on the patient’s condition.

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique available to general surgeons. In this method, surgery is performed by means of a camera and surgical instruments inserted through several small holes.

The recovery process varies depending on the type of surgery and the patient’s general state of health. Following your surgeon’s instructions, keeping the surgical site clean and performing regular check-ups will help to ensure a speedy recovery.

As with any surgical intervention, general surgery involves some risks. The most common complications include infection, bleeding, anaesthetic-related problems and wound healing problems.

Physical examination is an important method used by general surgery to diagnose patients and identify diseases. This examination involves a physical examination of the patient by the doctor. The general surgeon listens to the patient’s complaints and takes the history of the disease. Then, he/she carefully performs a physical examination.

During the physical examination, the general surgeon looks for any abnormalities visible in the body. During this examination, the surgeon checks suspicious areas and performs various tests by touching the patient. For example, the surgeon looks for tenderness in the patient’s abdomen or checks the lymph nodes. He also checks the normal functioning of the heart and lungs while listening to the chest areas.

The physical examination helps the general surgeon to better understand the patient’s condition and contributes to making a diagnosis. Thanks to this examination, the surgeon evaluates the problems experienced by the patient and determines the appropriate treatment plan. Therefore, physical examination is extremely important in the general surgery diagnosis process.

Imaging Tests: General surgeons use various imaging tests to evaluate the condition of patients and make an accurate diagnosis. These tests are used to clearly visualise the internal structure of the body and play an important role in planning general surgical treatment.

One of these, ultrasonography, uses sound waves to create an image of organs and tissues. This test is often used to detect structural disorders of organs or masses in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasonography also helps to diagnose abdominal problems such as gallstones, cysts and tumours.

Computed tomography (CT) allows a detailed examination of the internal structure of the body by creating cross-sectional images with the help of a computer. General surgeons can use CT scans to diagnose and treat health problems. This test evaluates the structure and size of organs and is also used to detect tumours and cysts in internal organs.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), another common imaging test, uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues. General surgeons can use MR scans to evaluate and diagnose health problems in the abdomen and pelvic region. MRI is an effective method of detecting damage and abnormalities in organs such as the brain, spine, liver, kidneys and intestines.

The use of these imaging tests is of great importance for general surgeons to fully assess the health status of their patients and to create the appropriate treatment plan. The test results allow surgeons to be more accurately guided when making a diagnosis and help patients recover faster and more effectively.

Biopsy methods frequently used by general surgeons involve taking tissue samples from the body and sending them to the laboratory for pathological examination. This method plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Biopsy is a reliable diagnostic tool used by general surgeons to assess the patient’s condition and determine appropriate treatment.

The most commonly used biopsy methods are needle biopsy and skin biopsy. Needle biopsy allows a sample to be taken from the target tissue with a thin needle. This method is generally used to examine soft tissues and organs. Skin biopsy is a method commonly used to diagnose abnormalities on the skin.

Biopsy allows the surgeon to better understand the patient’s condition and helps determine the treatment plan. Based on the results of pathological examination, information such as the type, extent and stage of the disease can be obtained. This information guides the surgeon in determining the patient’s treatment options.

The importance of biopsy lies in the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. When the relevant tissue sample is analysed, the presence of cancer or other diseases can be determined. Early diagnosis provides an opportunity to start an effective treatment that improves the patient’s chances. Therefore, biopsy is a method frequently used by general surgeons to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment to their patients.

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical method. It is performed by inserting a thin and flexible tube (laparoscope) into the abdominal cavity through several small incisions.

This surgical method has many advantages over traditional open surgery.

The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are as follows:

It is performed through small incisions, so there is less tissue damage;

Provides less pain and faster healing process;

Reduces the risk of infection;
Requires a short hospital stay;

Provides better cosmetic results because the incision scars are smaller and become less prominent over time.

Laparoscopic surgery is often used in procedures such as gallbladder surgery, appendicitis surgery, gastrointestinal surgery and biliary tract surgery.

Surgeries performed with this method usually allow the patient to recover faster and return to daily life more quickly.

Laparoscopic surgeries are performed using special surgical instruments and a camera.

The laparoscopic surgeon is a specialised and experienced surgeon who uses the camera to view the organs inside the abdomen and performs the surgery using other instruments.

Endoscopic surgery is a surgical method used to see and treat structures inside the body.

It has many advantages over traditional surgical methods.

These advantages include factors such as less pain for patients, faster recovery and less risk of complications.

The first advantage is that endoscopic surgeries are non-invasive. This method, which does not require incisions or stitches, allows patients to recover comfortably. The second advantage is less pain and discomfort.

Endoscopic surgery offers a less painful experience compared to traditional surgical methods.

The third advantage is a faster recovery process. Endoscopic surgeries usually provide a shorter recovery time and allow patients to return to daily activities faster.

The fourth advantage is a lower risk of complications. Endoscopic surgery does not require the opening of large wounds like traditional surgery and therefore reduces the risk of infection.

Endoscopic surgeries are performed with a camera inserted into a tube called an endoscope.

With this camera, the surgeon can observe the structures inside the body and perform treatment when necessary. Endoscopic surgery can be applied in many different areas such as stomach surgeries, gall bladder surgeries, colon surgeries and intestinal surgeries.

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