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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Obstetrics and gynecology is a branch of medicine that examines women’s health problems and manages the birth process. This area is important as a specialist area for diagnosing, treating and managing problems with women’s reproductive systems.

Gynecological diseases often involve problems with the reproductive organs. Infections, cancers, hormonal imbalances and other problems related to organs such as the uterus, ovaries, vagina and breast are handled in this area.

Childbirth is a woman’s final stage in pregnancy. This process results in the birth of the baby. Birth can take place by different methods such as normal birth or cesarean delivery.

Gynecologists and obstetricians specialize in protecting and improving women’s health. These specialists undertake tasks such as regular control of women, management of the diagnosis and treatment process, counseling about childbirth and follow-up of health problems.


Gynecology is a concept that covers the problems and disorders related to the female reproductive system. These diseases can affect women’s health and sometimes cause serious problems. Understanding the general information about gynecological diseases and knowing the treatment methods are important for the prevention and improvement of these problems.

The most common gynecological diseases are; uterine and ovarian cancers, cervical diseases, genital infections, menstrual irregularities and polycystic includes conditions such as ovarian syndrome. Various methods are used to diagnose and treat these diseases.

  • Medication: Many gynecological diseases can be controlled with medication. For example, menstrual irregularities caused by hormonal imbalances are corrected by using birth control pills or hormone supplements.
  • Surgical intervention: In some cases, there may be cases where gynecological diseases require surgical intervention. For example, removal of the uterus ( hysterectomy ) may be necessary to treat uterine cancer .
  • Methodical treatments: There are many alternative treatment methods regarding gynecological diseases. For example, methods such as acupuncture or herbal treatments can be used to relieve symptoms and promote healing.

Early diagnosis and regular check-ups are of great importance in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Regular gynecological examinations of women help in early diagnosis of ailments and initiating the treatment process. Therefore, it is important for every woman to take care of her health and consult a specialist when necessary.


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Childbirth is one of the most important events in women’s lives. The birth process refers to the stage of the baby’s birth from the mother’s womb at the end of the pregnancy process. The birth is usually vaginally, but in some cases, a cesarean delivery, which is a surgical intervention, may be preferred.

Vaginal Birth: Vaginal birth is also known as natural birth and the majority of live births take place this way. A mother-to-be naturally uses her body’s muscles to bring her baby into the world. This process involves the baby’s head passing through the birth canal and is often associated with a natural pain. Vaginal delivery allows the fluid in the baby’s lungs to be expelled through the birth canal and therefore facilitates the baby’s first breath. It is also known that vaginal delivery has less impact on the mother’s recovery process and requires a shorter hospital stay.

Cesarean Delivery: Cesarean delivery is a preferred method of delivery in some cases. In this method, the baby’s uterus is directly removed through an incision. Cesarean delivery is applied in situations that pose a risk to the health of the baby or the mother. For example, a cesarean delivery may be required if there is a condition that prevents the baby from passing through the normal birth canal, or if a problem develops during delivery that prevents the baby from getting oxygen. Although cesarean delivery has some risks, it is considered a safe method for the woman and the baby.

Which of these birth methods will be preferred is determined by considering the health status of the mother and the baby, the progress of the birth and medical requirements. As a result, every birth experience is unique and a delivery method is chosen to suit each mother’s needs.

Normal Birth: Normal birth is a natural birth method preferred by many women. In this process, the expectant mother experiences labor pains and contractions. These pains and contractions become more regular over time and help the birth progress. One of the advantages of normal birth is that it allows the mother to give birth naturally.

Normal delivery allows the expectant mother to play an active role and to be in control of the natural birth process. In this process, the expectant mother can apply relaxation techniques and naturally give birth to her baby.

Another advantage of natural birth is that babies born naturally are generally healthier. Normal delivery can help babies develop your lungs better, start breastfeeding better, and boost their immune system.

Normal childbirth relies on women’s bodies working naturally and therefore usually requires less medical attention. These interventions do not include procedures such as epidural anesthesia or cesarean delivery. Therefore, normal delivery has a lower potential for long-term complications.

Birth in water

Water birth is a birth method in which the expectant mother performs the birth process in water. In this method, a special water-filled pool or tub is used in the delivery room. The course of water birth offers a number of potential benefits for mother and baby.

The baby is born in an environment similar to the time he spent in the mother’s womb, and in this way he makes a more comfortable transition. The temperature of the water helps the mother to relax and creates a natural pain relief effect. Therefore, the birthing process can be more relaxed and less stressful.

Water birth can reduce the effect of labor pains by relaxing the muscles. At the same time, moving in the water bowl and changing positions helps the expectant mother to relax. Water can also reduce the need for perineal stitches and speed up the postpartum recovery process.

  • The baby is born more comfortably as there is a natural pressure to birth in water.
  • tolerate labor pains more easily with the soothing effect of hot water .
  • Water birth acts as a natural pain reliever and can reduce pain.
  • Water relaxes the muscles and can alleviate the effects of labor pains.

Potential benefits of water birth include a more natural birthing experience, alleviation of pain, faster recovery, and a feeling of relaxation for the mother. However, as with any birth method, water birth has its risks and limitations. Therefore, it is important to follow the guidance of the healthcare professional throughout the pregnancy process.

Epidural Anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia is a method of pain relief commonly used during labor. In this method, anesthetic drug is injected into the epidural space with the help of a thin catheter from the lumbar region. In this way, the expectant mother does not feel pain during delivery and can give birth comfortably.

epidural anesthesia during labor reduces labor pain and allows the expectant mother to calmly focus on delivery. It also helps contractions to be more comfortable and effective. This makes the birth process easier and faster.

epidural anesthesia are similar to the effects of anesthesia we usually understand. That is, side effects such as body fatigue and exhaustion can be seen. In addition, in some cases , epidural anesthesia can lead to complications such as postpartum headache. However, such complications are usually minimal when meticulously followed by healthcare professionals.

epidural anesthesia can provide great comfort to the expectant mother during the birth process. However, it may not be suitable for every woman. The use of epidural anesthesia is determined depending on the indications and delivery process determined by the healthcare professional . For this reason, it is important to make a detailed prenatal assessment and accurate information.

Cesarean Birth

Cesarean delivery is a preferred method of delivery in cases where normal delivery cannot be performed. In this method, the baby is removed and removed through an incision in the abdomen. Cesarean delivery may be an option for mothers with many indications .

  • Situations that threaten the health of the baby and mother may cause cesarean delivery to be preferred. For example, the position of the baby in the womb, a serious disturbance in the mother’s health, or the extraordinary size of the baby.
  • Caesarean section has some advantages. In cases where the structure of the uterus and pelvis poses a problem, normal delivery can be difficult. Cesarean delivery may be a safer option in protecting the health of the baby and mother.

Cesarean section also has some risks. There are risks such as the risk of post-operative infection, bleeding, problems with wound healing, and potential complications from anesthesia. Therefore, the decision for cesarean delivery should be carefully evaluated.

Each birth method is different from each other and the most suitable one for each expectant mother is determined as a result of the evaluation you will make with your doctor. Cesarean delivery is necessary in certain situations and may be the best option for maternal and infant health.


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Gynecology Treatment Areas

Gynecological diseases include various health problems that affect the female reproductive system, and there are many different areas and methods in which these problems are treated. Gynecology treatment areas are determined depending on the type and severity of the disease, and each may require different treatment methods.

Some common gynecological treatment areas include:

  • Gynecology: Gynecology is known as a medical branch that deals with the female reproductive organs. Gynecologists diagnose and treat gynecological diseases. This is pelvic pain, polycystic It includes various conditions such as ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids.
  • Gynecological Oncology: Gynecological oncology is a specialty that deals with cancers of the female reproductive organs. This area diagnoses and treats cancers such as cancer of the uterus, ovaries, cervix, ovarian tube and vulva.
  • Female Urology: Female urology deals with female urinary tract and excretory system problems. Methods used to treat problems such as urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections and bladder prolapse are found in this area.
  • Female Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility : This field treats hormonal issues and infertility issues related to the female reproductive system. Treatment methods such as hormone imbalances, ovarian failure and in vitro fertilization are applied in this area.

Each gynecological disease should be handled individually and appropriate treatment methods should be selected. Therefore, it is important to consult an obstetrician for the diagnosis and treatment of a gynecological disease. Your specialist doctor will create a treatment plan specific to your situation and direct you to the right treatment area.

Gynecological Cancer Treatment

Gynecological cancers are cancer types seen in reproductive organs such as uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina and vulva in women. Diagnosis and treatment of these cancers is very important. Many different methods and interventions are used in the diagnosis and treatment process of gynecological cancers.

In the diagnostic process, gynecologists use a number of methods such as medical examination, blood tests and imaging methods. With the help of these methods, cancer is detected and the stage of the disease is determined. Then the treatment process begins. Treatment of gynecological cancers differs depending on the type and stage of the disease and the general health status of the patient.

Treatment options include surgical intervention, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgical intervention is performed with the aim of removing cancerous tissue. Chemotherapy is done using drugs that target cancer cells. Radiotherapy is the application of high-energy rays to the cancerous area.

Gynecological cancer treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach. Depending on the patient’s condition, surgeons, medical oncologists , radiation oncologists and other healthcare professionals collaborate. This team provides support and guidance at every stage of the patient’s treatment process.

Infertility Treatment

Infertility is a condition in which couples have difficulty conceiving a child. Infertility treatment uses different methods and interventions to increase couples’ chances of conceiving.

These treatments are usually determined by the couple’s health, age, cause of infertility, and other factors. Infertility treatment usually includes one or a combination of the following:

  • Doctor Examination: The first step is usually for the couple to see an obstetrician. The doctor evaluates the couple’s medical history, makes a diagnosis and determines the appropriate treatment plan.
  • Medication: This treatment approach involves using hormone medications to help increase the couple’s fertility. These drugs can be used to regulate the ovulation process, increase egg production and prepare the uterus for pregnancy.
  • Increasing Egg Count: In some cases, the couple may naturally have low egg production. Hormonal drugs and an intensive preparation process for fertilization of eggs can be used to increase egg production .
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF): It is an assisted reproduction method that involves fertilizing eggs and placing embryos in the uterus. This procedure is often preferred when other treatments have failed.
  • Fertility Surgery: Fertility surgery can be applied in cases that require surgical intervention such as uterine anomalies, ovarian cysts or clogged tubes. These surgical interventions aim to remove the physical barriers associated with infertility.

Infertility treatment can offer promising results for couples in conceiving children. However, each individual’s situation is different and the success rates of treatments may vary. Therefore, it is important for couples to consult a specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment option.

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