Maslak Surgical Medical Center

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International Patient Centre

As Maslak Health Group, we offer various special services to meet the needs of our international patients.

Foreign Language Services

Maslak Health Group’s foreign language services provide interpreters and language assistants to solve the communication problems of international patients. These services enable patients to fully benefit from health services by overcoming the language barrier.

Interpreters enable patients to communicate effectively with their doctors and other healthcare professionals. It accompanies patients to their medical appointments, ensuring that medical information is transmitted accurately and helping to understand patients’ needs.

In addition, Maslak Health Group’s translator selection consists of professionals who speak the native language of the patients and have a good command of medical terminology. In this way, it is aimed to minimize the communication problems of the patients and to ensure that they have access to the right information.

Maslak Health Group’s foreign language services also provide language aids. Language assistants support interpreters in solving patients’ language problems. In this way, the communication process of the patients progresses more efficiently and effectively.

Special Services for International Patients

The special services offered by Maslak Health Group for international patients are quite extensive. These services are designed to facilitate the treatment process of patients and to provide them with a comfortable experience.

Visa and Travel Arrangements

Visa and travel arrangements required for international patients to travel to Turkey and come to our hospital are provided by Maslak Health Group. Our professional teams help patients make their visa applications and ensure that all necessary documents are arranged. In addition, accommodation and transportation arrangements are made for the patients and their companions.

Accommodation Facilities

Maslak Health Group offers various options to meet the accommodation needs of international patients. Our patients have the opportunity to stay in hotels located near the hospital. These hotels have facilities that will allow patients to rest comfortably and spend the treatment process. In addition, different accommodation options are offered according to the preferences of the patients.

Treatment Planning

Treatment planning for international patients is carried out in order to organize the treatment process of the patients and to ensure that the necessary medical tests and procedures are planned. The specialist doctors in our hospital evaluate the condition of the patients and create the most appropriate treatment plan. During the treatment process, patients attend regular doctor appointments and undergo necessary medical tests.

These special services are provided in order to make it easier for international patients to come to our hospital and to have a comfortable treatment process. The health and comfort of our patients is always our priority.

Translator Services

Our interpreter services for international patients enable patients to communicate effectively with their doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Interpreter services are of great importance in order to facilitate patients’ access to health services and to overcome communication barriers. Interpreters help patients communicate effectively with their doctors and other healthcare professionals by enabling them to speak in their native language.

Interpreters accompany patients’ medical appointments, ensuring that medical information is transmitted accurately. They allow patients to communicate in detail with their doctor about their health condition, symptoms, and treatment options.

Also, interpreters help to understand patients’ needs. Interpreters play an important role in understanding and providing support for patients’ concerns and concerns. Interpreters strive to make patients feel comfortable during the treatment process.

Translator services enable international patients to take full advantage of healthcare services. By removing communication barriers, it enables patients to communicate effectively with their doctors and healthcare personnel.

Maslak Health Group’s translator selection consists of professionals who speak the native language of the patients and have a good command of medical terminology.

Maslak Health Group works with expert translators to solve the communication problems of international patients. Our translators are selected from professionals who speak the patient’s native language and have a good command of medical terminology to ensure effective communication between the patient and the doctor .

The choice of translator is very important to understand the health status of the patients and to have the right information about the treatment process. Therefore, it is ensured that our translators have a good command of medical terminology and have the necessary skills to understand the needs of patients.

It is also an important criterion that our translators respect patient privacy and protect the confidentiality of information. As the safety and comfort of our patients is our priority, our translators are also expected to be professional and reliable.

During the translator selection process, the preferences of the patients are also given importance. Personal characteristics and communication skills of our translators are also taken into account so that our patients feel comfortable and have no difficulty in communicating.

Maslak Health Group selects the best translators to meet the medical needs of international patients and ensures that our patients have the best experience in the treatment process.

Accommodation Services

Accommodation services for international patients provide patients with accommodation near the hospital and allow them to spend the treatment process in a comfortable environment.

Maslak Health Group provides accommodation services for international patients, allowing patients to spend the treatment process more conveniently and comfortably. Our accommodation services are offered in modern and comfortable hotels located near our hospital. These hotels offer all the facilities that patients will need during the treatment process.

Our patients have the opportunity to stay near the hospital thanks to our accommodation services. In this way, during the treatment process, our patients’ access to the hospital becomes easier and they can start their treatment without wasting time. In addition, there are specially designed rooms in our hotels for the comfort and convenience of our patients.

Thanks to our accommodation services, our patients can spend the treatment process without stress and distress. The comfortable environment in our hotels allows our patients to relax and focus on the healing process. In addition, the restaurants and cafes in our hotels offer our patients a healthy and balanced diet .

Our accommodation services are offered by professional and experienced staff so that our patients can have the best treatment process. Our staff is always available to understand the needs of our patients and to assist when needed. In addition, the security measures in our hotels ensure the safety of our patients.

Accommodation services offered to our international patients enable our patients to spend the treatment process in a more comfortable and peaceful way. Our accommodation services, where every detail is considered so that our patients can focus on their health, aims to keep our patients’ satisfaction at the highest level.

Treatment Planning

Treatment planning for international patients provides the planning of the medical tests and procedures required for the treatment and treatment of the patients. Treatment planning begins with the assessment of patients’ health status. This evaluation includes doctors reviewing patients’ medical history, symptoms, and current condition.

Treatment planning also includes planning the medical tests and procedures required for the treatment of patients. These tests are done to better understand the health status of patients and to make an accurate diagnosis. Treatment planning also determines how patients will progress through the treatment process and what kind of procedures they will undergo.

Treatment planning ensures that each step in the treatment process of patients progresses in an orderly manner. This means scheduling patients’ treatment appointments, keeping track of the timing of medical tests, and scheduling necessary treatment procedures. In this way, patients can be treated effectively and efficiently without any disruption in the treatment process.

Treatment Process

The treatment process of patients consists of a series of steps. First, patients apply to the hospital for doctor appointments. These appointments include examinations to assess patients’ health status and to formulate an appropriate treatment plan. Doctors evaluate patients’ symptoms, review their medical history, and may order any necessary medical tests.

The next step in the treatment process is medical tests. These tests are done to evaluate the health status of patients in more detail. Various tests may be used, such as blood tests, imaging tests, and biopsies. These tests help doctors make an accurate diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Surgical procedures may be part of the treatment process for some patients. These procedures are performed depending on the severity of the disease or ailment. Surgical intervention is performed to improve the health status of patients or to treat the disease.

The last step of the treatment process is rehabilitation. Rehabilitation includes a series of physical therapy and exercise programs to support the recovery process of patients after surgical procedures or treatments. These programs help patients gain strength, flexibility and return to normal daily activities.

Support Services

Support services for international patients include psychological support, counseling and other assistance that patients may need during the treatment process. The treatment process can be physically and emotionally demanding for patients. For this reason, Maslak Health Group support services aim to be with the patients during this difficult process.

Support services enable patients to receive psychological support during the treatment process. Support services provided by expert psychologists to help patients cope with emotional difficulties such as anxiety, fear and stress during the treatment process help patients maintain their emotional well-being and keep their motivation high.

Counseling services are also among the support services of international patients. When patients have any questions or concerns about the treatment process, counseling services are offered by expert counselors to help patients resolve these issues. Patients can benefit from counseling services to learn more about the treatment process, make decisions about treatment options, or get support for post-treatment care.

Support services also help patients meet other needs. These services include the supply of medical supplies needed in the treatment process, guidance and referral services. In order to ensure that patients are comfortable during the treatment process, the hospital’s support services strive to meet all the needs of the patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the foreign language services of Maslak Health Group?

Maslak Health Group’s foreign language services provide interpreters and language assistants to solve the communication problems of international patients.

  • What are the considerations when choosing a translator?

Maslak Health Group’s translator selection consists of professionals who speak the native language of the patients and have a good command of medical terminology.

  • What role do interpreters play in the treatment process of patients?

Interpreters accompany patients to their medical appointments, ensuring that medical information is transmitted accurately and helping to understand patients’ needs.

  • accommodation provided for international patients ?

Yes, Maslak Health Group provides accommodation for international patients . Accommodation services are provided near the hospital, allowing patients to spend the treatment process in a comfortable environment.

  • How is the treatment process planned?

Treatment planning for international patients provides the planning of the medical tests and procedures required for the treatment and treatment of the patients.

  • What steps does the treatment process consist of?

The treatment process of patients consists of steps such as doctor appointments, medical tests, surgical procedures and rehabilitation.

  • What does support services for international patients include?

Support services for international patients include psychological support, counseling and other assistance that patients may need during the treatment process.


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