Maslak Surgical Medical Center


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Our new doctor in the branch of Paediatrics will start accepting patients in our hospital very soon.

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Pediatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with various health problems and diseases that occur in children. These diseases can occur from infancy to adolescence and can affect a child’s physical and mental health.

Children’s illnesses come in different types and can have different symptoms. For example, infectious diseases, such as influenza, can spread rapidly among children and manifest themselves with symptoms such as fever, cough and runny nose. In addition, various health problems such as asthma, allergic reactions, immune system diseases, digestive system problems, skin diseases are also included in the scope of pediatric diseases.

Pediatricians are specialists in protecting, treating and promoting the health and development of children. They monitor children’s growth and development, administer necessary vaccinations, diagnose and treat diseases. They also help children lead a healthy life, taking into account lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep and exercise.

How are Pediatric Diseases Treated?

Treatment of pediatric diseases is carried out in different ways, depending on the type and severity of the child’s illness. Generally, the main methods used in the treatment of a child’s illness are medication, surgery and other treatment methods.

Drug treatment is carried out with the use of medicines prescribed by the doctor depending on the child’s illness. These medicines can help relieve the child’s symptoms, control the course of the disease or cure it completely. Medication is often the first-line treatment for pediatric illnesses and is often effective.

Surgical intervention may be necessary to treat some pediatric diseases. This is assessed by the doctor depending on the type and severity of the disease. Surgical treatment is usually preferred in more serious cases or when medication is not effective. For example, it may be necessary to correct or remove an organ or tissue of the child.

Other treatment methods may vary depending on the disease and the child’s specific condition. These may include physiotherapy, nutritional therapy, psychotherapy, etc. The doctor will carry out a detailed assessment and closely monitor the child’s health status to determine the most appropriate treatment for the child’s illness.


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0850 350 50 50


0 545 636 06 36


How are Pediatric Diseases Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of pediatric diseases is made by the doctor on the basis of the child’s symptoms and physical examination. The doctor assesses which symptoms the child has and which physical findings are present. Based on the symptoms and findings, the doctor can get an idea of which disease the child may have.

In some cases, blood tests can also help the diagnostic process. Blood tests are used to detect markers of infection or other disease markers in the child’s blood. For example, a child who presents with symptoms such as fever, fatigue and sore throat may have a blood test to check for streptococcal infection.

In some cases, imaging tests can also be used in the diagnostic process. Methods such as X-rays, ultrasound or MRI can be used to examine the child’s internal organs or tissues in detail. For example, a child who complains of abdominal pain may have an ultrasound or X-ray to check for any abnormalities in the abdominal cavity. These imaging tests help the doctor to make a more precise diagnosis.

Blood Tests in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Diseases

Blood tests are a diagnostic method used to detect markers of infection or other disease markers in a child’s blood. These tests are often performed by doctors to determine the cause or severity of a child’s health problem.

Blood tests are performed on a sample of blood, usually taken from the child’s arm or hand. This sample is then analyzed in the laboratory and the levels of various parameters are measured and the results are obtained.

These tests can be used to detect markers of infection in the child’s blood. For example, if the child has symptoms such as fever and malaise and an infection is suspected, blood tests can be done to determine if an infection is present.

Blood tests are also used to diagnose certain diseases in children. For example, by checking the level of certain hormones in the child’s blood, certain conditions such as thyroid gland diseases or diabetes can be detected. Blood tests provide important information about the health of the child’s body and give the doctor the basic data for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Overall, blood tests play an important role in the diagnosis of pediatric diseases and are a reliable tool for assessing a child’s health status.


Call Center

0850 350 50 50


0 545 636 06 36


Imaging Tests in Diagnosis of Pediatric Diseases

Imaging tests include methods that help to examine the child’s internal organs or tissues in detail. These tests are performed using medical imaging equipment. The most commonly used imaging tests include X-rays, ultrasound and MRI.

X-ray X-rays are sent through the child’s body to visualize internal organs and bones. This test is used to examine a specific area or to detect a condition.

Ultrasound Ultrasound is a method of using high-frequency sound waves to view the inside of a child’s body. This test is often used to directly visualize the child’s organs and detect problems. It can also be used during pregnancy to monitor the development of babies.

MRI Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method used to take detailed images of the inside of a child’s body using a magnetic field and radio waves. This test helps to examine organs, tissues and blood vessels in detail.

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